Vascular and Endovascular Surgery

Our vascular surgeons use state-of-the-art, 有研究支持的治疗心脏外各种血管问题的方法. We use minimally invasive or noninvasive techniques, allowing for quicker recoveries with minimal downtime.

Vascular System Illustration

Why choose UCLA Health for vascular and endovascular surgery 

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康血管和血管内外科医生为影响心脏外任何动脉或静脉的疾病提供专门的治疗. As a high-volume center, we see more than 100 patients a day. 您可以在一个方便的地点获得所需的所有诊断、成像和治疗服务.

Highlights of our program include:

Advanced treatment with minimal downtime: We use noninvasive or minimally invasive techniques for nearly all treatments. This means we use only local anesthesia, allowing you to return home the same day. 许多这些技术使用的切口非常小,不需要缝合.

Specialized experts: Our vascular surgeons specialize in specific diagnoses and techniques. 这种亚专业化意味着你接受一位对你的病情非常精通的医生的治疗. 进行诊断成像的技术人员也接受过血管研究方面的专门培训, helping ensure that you receive an accurate diagnosis.

Team-based services: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康血管外科医生与我们网络中的多位专家合作,确保您接受有针对性和有效的治疗. 在我们的伤口护理中心,我们与多位专家合作,包括足病医生, plastic surgeons and physicians who are expert in wound care.

Research-driven care: Our physicians participate in and lead a broad range of clinical trials. This research involvement means you receive the most up-to-date therapies, including enrollment in a clinical trial, when appropriate. 我们的医生也参与建立新的和突破性的治疗方法, many of which are now used nationwide.

Exceptional outcomes: We pride ourselves on our excellent outcomes. 血管和血管内外科是血管质量倡议的一部分, a national database we use to track our outcomes against local, regional and national standards. We consistently meet and exceed these local and national standards.

Treatment for rare diseases: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医生们成立了血管低频疾病联盟,与全国和世界各地的其他血管外科医生合作. 我们汇集了所有的数据和专业知识,以了解更多关于罕见血管疾病最有效的治疗方法. 如果你有罕见的血管疾病,你会在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心接受最新的高级护理.

Our areas of care

血管和血管内外科提供多种专业服务. Our areas of care include:

Outpatient evaluation clinic

Our outpatient evaluation clinic allows us to consult with new patients, diagnose conditions and offer follow-up care. When you arrive for your first appointment, we make sure you have an appointment in the vascular laboratory that same day. 这确保了有效的诊断,同时减少了多次访问的需要.

Diagnostic vascular laboratory

为了方便进出,血管实验室与评估诊所位于同一栋楼. Here, 我们的专业技术人员提供全面的血管研究来评估动脉和静脉. 这些非侵入性检查帮助我们快速准确地诊断血管问题.

Ambulatory procedure unit

We perform a wide range of outpatient procedures in this unit. Every procedure is done with local anesthesia, so you can return home the same day with next-to-no downtime. Our specialists offer a broad range of catheter-based treatments, including angiograms, ablations and stent placements.

Venous center

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校冈达静脉中心为静脉功能不全提供全面的护理, a condition that affects blood flow between the legs and heart. 我们提供一系列微创和非侵入性治疗来改善血液流动. 大多数手术都是在门诊的基础上完成的,这意味着你可以在当天回家.   

Wound care center

我们与多位专家合作,治疗伤口不愈合的患者. 你可能会接受血管外科医生、足病医生、整形外科医生或伤口护理医生的护理. This team-based approach ensures you receive the right treatment from an expert.

Hyperbaric center

我们为其他治疗方法无法解决的复杂血管问题提供高压氧治疗. 高压氧疗法包括在一个特殊的加压室里呼吸100%的氧气. The therapy can accelerate healing by increasing oxygen in the bloodstream. It may be an appropriate treatment for people with severe nonhealing wounds, such as foot ulcers in people with diabetes. Learn more about hyperbaric medicine.

Vascular and endovascular conditions we treat

Vascular and endovascular surgeons treat a wide range of conditions. We offer noninvasive, 心脏外血管问题的微创和开放性手术治疗.

The most common conditions we treat include:

Aneurysms: A weak spot in an artery that can turn into a bulge or balloon outward. 如果动脉瘤破裂,会导致严重的动脉损伤和危及生命的出血.  

Blocked arteries: Restricted blood flow through the arteries, often due to plaque buildup and artery narrowing (atherosclerosis)

Carotid artery disease: A condition that occurs when plaque builds up in the carotid arteries, the blood vessels in the neck that carry blood to the brain

Peripheral artery disease (PAD): A condition that occurs when plaque forms, causing artery narrowing in the vessels that carry blood to the legs 

Thoracic outlet syndrome: 以胸廓出口的神经或血管受压为特征的一组疾病, the space between the first rib and collarbone (clavicle)

Vascular malformations: 通常在出生时(先天性)就存在的血管不规则,包括:

  • Arteriovenous fistulas: Atypical connections between arteries and veins
  • Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs): An irregular connection between arteries and veins occurring in the brain
  • Venous malformations: Irregular widening or tangling of the veins

Venous insufficiency: A condition that occurs when the valves of the leg vein don’t work properly

Treatments we offer

Many of our treatment techniques are noninvasive or minimally invasive. We use many endovascular techniques, which involve delivering treatment through small, hollow tubes (catheters) inserted through blood vessels.


Ablation: We may use ablation techniques to treat venous insufficiency. 外科医生将导管穿过血管,引导其到达受影响的静脉. Then they send heat or radiofrequency energy to close off the vein. Blood reroutes around the closed vein.

Atherectomy: 这种手术可以清除积聚的斑块,使堵塞的动脉恢复血液流动. We insert a catheter with a rotating blade to remove excess plaque. We may use an atherectomy to treat peripheral artery disease. 

Balloon and stenting (angioplasty): 这种治疗可以恢复阻塞动脉的血液流动,通常是颈动脉疾病或外周动脉疾病的一种选择. 外科医生将一个装有小气球的导管插入阻塞的动脉. When the catheter is in position, 外科医生给气球充气,把斑块推开,为血液流动扫清道路. 他们也可以放置一个中空的金属管,称为支架,以帮助保持动脉畅通.

Embolization: Embolization is another technique for closing off veins. 外科医生通过血管插入导管并将其引导到受影响的静脉. They inject a special glue or foam through the catheter to close the vein. We may use embolization to treat venous insufficiency or a vascular malformation. 

Hemodialysis or chemo port access: Some of our surgeons specialize in techniques for vascular access. These include placing chemotherapy ports — small, 在静脉中放置的可弯曲的管子,使化疗药物不用针刺就能输送. We also specialize in hemodialysis access. Hemodialysis treats kidney failure by removing excess toxins, fluids and waste products from the blood. 血液透析通路可能包括连接手臂上的动脉和静脉,或者在大静脉中放置导管,让血液流经血液透析机.

Phlebectomy: A vascular surgeon may use a phlebectomy to treat varicose veins, the bulging veins that may develop along with venous insufficiency. 外科医生在皮肤上做一个小切口,用一个钩状的工具去除静脉曲张. These incisions are so small, they often don’t require a stitch.

Sclerotherapy: 我们可以使用硬化疗法来治疗静脉功能不全、静脉曲张或血管畸形. 外科医生通过血管插入导管并将其引导到受影响的静脉. They send a special solution directly into the vein, which causes the vein to close and eventually collapse. 塌陷的静脉被身体重新吸收,血液通过附近的其他血管重新输送.

Meet our team

Our vascular and endovascular surgery team is made up of clinical leaders, subspecialty experts and active researchers. 我们采用最新、最有效的治疗方案,为您提供最佳的手术效果.

Contact us

Call 310-825-2631 to request an appointment with a vascular surgeon at UCLA Health.

Find your care

You receive comprehensive care for vascular disease in one convenient location. Call 310-825-2631 to learn more about vascular and endovascular surgery services.