Hernia Care

Our world-renowned hernia team offers the most advanced hernia surgery and specializes in chronic pain after hernia repair.


The Lichtenstein Hernia Institute at UCLA Health is the only facility in the nation devoted exclusively to hernia surgery, 研究与教学. A long history of leadership in hernia repair surgery means our expert team offers you accurate diagnoses and effective treatment for all types of hernia.


国家认可的专业知识: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心一直名列全国顶尖医院之列. 我们著名的专家为您或您的孩子提供世界一流的疝气护理.

个性化的护理: 你和你的护理团队一起决定治疗方案. Our experienced surgeons tailor their approach to your needs to ensure the best possible outcome. 通过个性化护理,我们最大限度地提高治疗成功率.

标准的治疗: Our hernia experts developed and popularized a revolutionary surgical procedure to treat hernias: the “tension-free” mesh technique. 现在在世界范围内使用,它被认为是该领域的黄金标准. Our surgeons expertly perform this technique, creating a strong and permanent hernia repair.

慢性(长期)疼痛专家: We use precise surgical techniques to minimize your risk of persistent pain after hernia repair. Our team specializes in training and educating other physicians on the best practices for preventing and reducing pain. We can help, even if you’ve had hernia surgery elsewhere and still experience chronic pain.


A hernia occurs when an organ or other tissue pushes through the muscle that surrounds it, 经常产生隆起. The muscle may have a hole or be weakened from strenuous activity or a medical problem.


我们为婴儿提供完整的疝气护理, 在列支敦士登Amid疝气诊所的儿童和成人 . 您可以依靠我们的团队:

Multispecialty护理: Our team works together with expert gastroenterologists (digestive-tract specialists), radiologists (imaging specialists) and pulmonologists (lung and respiratory-system specialists) to provide you with comprehensive treatment.

疝的诊断: We confirm the presence of a hernia during a physical exam and use imaging tests analyzed by our expert radiologists. You may receive imaging tests such as a CT scan, MRI or ultrasound of your abdominal area.

疝修补术: We specialize in safe, minimally invasive and robot-assisted surgical procedures to fix hernias. 这些手术通常会导致更少的切口和更快的恢复.

急诊疝气手术: In life-threatening situations, our experienced surgeons perform emergency hernia repairs. We quickly address hernias with severe symptoms and hernias at risk of strangulation (loss of blood supply).

慢性疼痛管理: 由于各种原因,你可能会在疝气手术后持续感到疼痛. Our interventional pain specialists have specific expertise in the prevention and management of chronic pain after hernias. Eligible patients have access to clinical trials designed to identify causes of pain after hernia surgery and offer effective treatments.


我们治疗从轻微到严重的罕见和常见的疝气. 我们的病人最常见的是:

  • 股疝(在腹股沟和大腿)
  • 裂孔疝(胸部)
  • 腹股沟疝(腹股沟)
  • 脐疝(靠近肚脐)


有些疝气可能不会引起症状或对你的健康构成威胁. 在这种情况下,我们的团队会长期密切监测疝气. If the hernia grows or causes symptoms, you and your care team can discuss treatment options.

对于限制你活动的疝气, 引起症状或使您面临并发症的风险, 我们提供成功的治疗方法. 我们提供全面的疝气治疗, 包括药物治疗, 手术和术后疼痛处理.


治疗裂孔疝, 不像其他类型, 你的医疗团队通常会尝试非手术方法,首先使用药物. 如果药物不起作用, 或者如果你有裂孔疝的并发症, 你可能需要手术.

We aim to relieve your symptoms and prevent complications using medications that control reflux (when acid flows back) and related symptoms. 这些药物的作用是:

  • 减少产酸
  • 中和胃酸
  • Strengthen the muscle that opens and closes to block stomach acid from coming up into the esophagus (the tube from your mouth to your stomach)


手术是唯一能永久修复疝气的治疗方法. 在大多数情况下,你可以在手术当天回家.

Our team uses their extensive surgical experience and expertise to treat all types of hernias. We perform hernia surgery in state-of-the-art operating rooms at UCLA Health that allow for advanced and collaborative procedures.


开放和腹腔镜手术: 开放性手术使用一个大切口来修复疝气. Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique that uses three small incisions. 腹腔镜手术通常会减少疤痕和疼痛, 比开放手术感染风险低,恢复更快.

机器人协助手术: With this technique, your surgeon controls the arm of a surgical robot from a control panel. The robotic system smoothly reproduces your surgeon’s movements with greater precision. 它还可以在手术过程中向你的外科医生显示三维图像. 我们使用机器人辅助手术来修复轻度和复杂的疝气, 重建腹壁.

小心神经处理: 避免神经损伤, we expertly identify and work around all the nerves that send signals from your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to your body. Our careful attention to your surgical plan significantly reduces your risk of experiencing chronic pain after hernia repair.


Surgeons at the Lichtenstein Hernia Institute pioneered the tension-free mesh method. We cover the opening of the hernia with a patch of surgical mesh instead of sewing the muscle back together.

This thin and flexible mesh acts as a bridge for new tissue to grow and reinforces broken or weakened muscle. 两到三周内, 网状物安全地成为你肌肉组织的一部分, 随着时间的推移,创造一个强大而永久的修复,降低疼痛的风险.


Nerve injury, nerve entrapment (compression) or a reaction to surgical mesh may cause severe pain after hernia surgery. Our specialists tailor treatment to your specific needs using a thorough and methodical approach.

我们在可能的情况下使用保守的非手术治疗. If your condition is severe, our surgeons specialize in procedures for complex causes of pain.

We offer a specialized clinical program to treat this complex and challenging problem. Our team has extensively researched chronic pain after hernia surgery and continues to improve therapies for patients.

Meet our team

Our internationally recognized experts deliver compassionate and effective hernia care. We lead the field, offering advanced surgical techniques and relieving chronic pain after surgery.

Contact us

Call 310-319-4080 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的疝气专家.


我们著名的疝气团队治疗各种类型的疝气. 要了解更多皇冠hga025在列支敦士登疝气研究所的疝气服务,请致电 310-319-4080.